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제목 What is Iran's new stance on the
작성자 aband43124o (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-06 21:47:29
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
What is Iran's new stance on the nuclear deal? Under the 2015 accord, Iran 세탁기렌탈=세탁기렌탈대단함
agreed to limit its sensitive nuclear activities and allow in international inspectors in return for the lifting of crippling economic 레플리카명품=레플리카명품
sanctions. US President Donald Trump abandoned it in 2018, saying he wanted to force Iran to negotiate a new deal that would place indefinite curbs on its nuclear programme and also halt its development of ballistic missiles. Iran refused, and had since been 용인포장이사=용인포장이사추천
gradually rolling back its commitments under the agreement. It had been expected to announce its latest stance on the agreement this weekend, before news of Soleimani's death. Iranian state media announced 레플리카쇼핑몰=레플리카쇼핑몰
on Sunday that the country will no longer respect any limits laid down in the 2015 deal. "Iran will continue its 베트멍=베트멍여성의류
nuclear enrichment with no limitations and based on its technical needs," a statement said. However, the statement did not say that Iran was 홍콩명품가방=홍콩명품가방
actually withdrawing from the agreement and it added that the country would continue to co-operate with the UN's nuclear watchdog, the IAEA. Iran, it said, was ready to return to its commitments once it enjoyed the benefits of the agreement. Correspondents say this is a reference to its inability to sell oil and have access to its income under US sanctions.
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