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제목 The 2015 nuclear agreement
작성자 constra44id (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-06 21:45:46
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
The 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, on life support ever since the Trump administration abandoned it in 홍콩명품남성의류=홍콩명품도매 홍콩명품남성의류 홍콩명품여성의류
May 2018, may now be in its final death throes. Donald Trump, throughout his presidential campaign and then as president, has never failed to rail against what he calls his 복합기렌탈=복합기렌탈리뷰
predecessor President Barack Obama's "bad deal". But all its other signatories - the UK, France, Russia, China, Germany and the EU - believe that it still has merit. The agreement, known as the JCPOA, constrained 남자레플리카신발=남자레플리카신발
Iran's nuclear programme for a set period in a largely verifiable way. But its greatest significance - even more so given the current crisis - is that it helped to avert an imminent war. Before it was signed, there was mounting concern about Tehran's nuclear activities and every chance that Israel (or possibly Israel and the US in tandem) might attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Since the US withdrawal, Iran 오프화이트=오프화이트여성의류
has successively breached key constraints of the JCPOA. Now it appears to be throwing these constraints out altogether. What matters now is what precisely it decides to do. Will it up its level of uranium enrichment, for example, to 20%? This would reduce 남자명품레플리카=남자명품레플리카
significantly the time it would take Tehran to obtain suitable material for a bomb. Will it continue to abide by enhanced international inspection measures? We are now at the destination the Trump administration clearly hoped for in May 2018. But the major powers, while deeply unhappy about Iran's breaches of the deal, are also shocked at the controversial decision by Mr Trump to 레플리카sa급=레플리카
kill the head of Iran's Quds Force, a decision that has again brought the US and Iran to the brink of war.
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