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제목 Australian Prime Minister Scott
작성자 busi41nes (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-06 21:05:52
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned that the devastating bushfires raging in the country might go on for 용인개인돈=용인개인돈매우좋음
months. At least 24 people have died 과천개인돈=과천개인돈무료
since the fires began in September. Air quality in the capital Canberra was this weekend rated the worst in the world. Mr Morrison announced the 레플리카신발=레플리카신발
creation of a recovery agency to help those who have lost homes and businesses in the fires. He has faced fierce criticism 꼼데가르송=꼼데가르송여성의류
over the speed of his response to the crisis. The weekend saw some of the worst 명품의류레플리카=명품의류레플리카
days of the crisis so far, with hundreds more properties destroyed. Rural towns and major cities saw red skies, falling ash and smoke that clogged the air. Conditions eased in Victoria and 명품의류레플리카=명품의류레플리카
New South Wales on Sunday after temperatures and wind speeds dropped and some light rain fell. But authorities warned that the danger 구리포장이사=구리포장이사이벤트
was far from over. "We're in uncharted territory," said the New South Wales premier, Gladys Berejiklian. "We can't pretend that this is 여자레플리카사이트=여자레플리카사이트
something that we have experienced before. It's not." John Steele, 73, who was evacuated with his wife from their rural property north of Eden late on Saturday, told the AFP news agency: "Visibility was down to about 50 metres, if that, and we had lots of debris falling out of the sky and a lot of white ash. "The sky is still red. We're not out of the woods yet."
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