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제목 India captain Virat Kohli says
작성자 workl311oad (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-05 07:59:35
  • 추천 추천하기
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India captain Virat Kohli says he is "not a fan" of the 음식물처리기렌탈=음식물처리기렌탈대단함
proposal to reduce Test matches from five to four days. A reduction in match length is likely to be discussed in January when the International Cricket Council considers the Test 부천개인돈=부천개인돈잘하는곳
calendar beyond 2023. But top-ranked Test batsman 홍콩명품가방=홍콩명품여성시계 홍콩명품가방 홍콩명품지갑
Kohli, 31, said: "I think the intent will not be right then because then you will speak of three-day Tests. "Where do you end? Then you will speak of Test cricket disappearing." The England and Wales Cricket 레플리카구매대행=레플리카구매대행
Board has said it "cautiously supports" the proposal because it would reduce player workload. India are the world number one Test side, having won five and drawn one of their past six series. "I don't think that's fair to the purest format of the game," Kohli said when asked about four-day Tests. "How cricket started initially, five-day Test matches was the highest test you can have at international level. "It shouldn't be 남자레플리카추천=남자레플리카추천
altered." South Africa played a four-day Test against Zimbabwe in December 2017, while England also hosted Ireland at Lord's in a four-day match in July 2019.
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