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제목 As if the differences between
작성자 red441uce (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-05 07:56:39
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As if the differences between LED, OLED, QLED and microLED were not baffling enough, there will be a new technology 명품레플리카신발=명품레플리카신발
in town: Mini-LED. This involves using smaller light-emitting diodes than normal, to illuminate a screen's colour pixels. This allows there to be more distinct 남자레플리카사이트=남자레플리카사이트
lighting zones, which in turn should reduce the blooming effect you sometimes get when light spills from bright objects in a 홍콩명품여성신발=홍콩명품여성지갑 홍콩명품남성신발 홍콩명품여성신발
scene into surrounding darker areas. It won't produce the deep 스마트TV렌탈=스마트TV렌탈착한곳
blacks of OLED, where each pixel is self-illuminating. Nor will it match microLED tech, where the diodes are so small they can be assigned to the pixels on a 1:1 basis. But it should deliver an impressive HDR (high dynamic range) picture at a relatively affordable price. TCL has confirmed it will launch Mini-LED TVs at CES, and other brands may do so too, even if they call them by another name. Also look out to see which brands 레플리카시계사이트=레플리카시계사이트
adopt the new Filmmaker Mode A number of Hollywood directors, including Martin Scorsese, James Cameron and Christopher Nolan, have spearheaded an initiative to let TVs display movies as their creators intended. At a single button push, motion-blurring is switched off, and the colours, frame rate and aspect ratio are all adjusted. LG, Panasonic and Vizio have already 페라가모=페라가모여성의류
indicated they will adopt this in at least some new TVs.
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* 왼쪽의 문자를 공백없이 입력하세요.(대소문자구분)

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3396 [크림스랩] 플라워 스냅백 네이비 (FLOWER SNAPBACK NAVY) 국민주인 삼성전자와 SK하이닉스 boawf44lsdf 2020-01-13 57
3395 [크림스랩] 플라워 스냅백 네이비 (FLOWER SNAPBACK NAVY) 삼성전자 주식을 대량 보유한 이건희 vao662dmv 2020-01-13 81
3394 [크림스랩] 플라워 스냅백 네이비 (FLOWER SNAPBACK NAVY) 승강기를 쓸 일이 없는 아파트 1층 주민 uab44ksu 2020-01-13 75
3393 [크림스랩] 플라워 스냅백 네이비 (FLOWER SNAPBACK NAVY) 국민이 선택한 정부는 절대 bisa44fhh 2020-01-13 77
3392 [크림스랩] 플라워 스냅백 네이비 (FLOWER SNAPBACK NAVY) 집단 발생한 폐렴 tatag333bda 2020-01-13 75

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