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제목 China has sacked the official
작성자 Wa22441ng (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-05 07:45:28
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
China has sacked the official in charge of 홍콩쇼핑=홍콩쇼핑
relations with Hong Kong, Chinese state media reports. Wang Zhimin was director of 발렌시아가=발렌시아가여성의류
Beijing's liaison office for the territory. The Xinhua news agency said Mr Wang 용인일수=용인일수굿굿
had been replaced by Luo Huining, the Communist Party secretary for the northern province of Shanxi. The sacking follows six months of often violent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong that have tested Beijing's patience with top 스톤아일랜드=스톤아일랜드여성의류
officials there. Carrie Lam, the chief executive of Hong Kong, remains in office with the public support of the mainland leadership, despite 이미테이션여성신발=이미테이션여성신발 이미테이션남성시계 이미테이션여성시계
being the face of a proposed bill which initially sparked unrest in March 2019. The bill would have allowed for criminal suspects to be extradited from Hong Kong to mainland China, raising fears that the new law would 공기청정기렌탈=공기청정기렌탈매우좋음
be abused to detain dissidents and remove them from the territory. Hong Kong's protesters welcomed the new decade on Wednesday with a New Year's Day rally, which saw tens of thousands of people join a pro-democracy march. The gathering was largely peaceful, save for some small pockets of violence. Police used water cannon to clear the Mong Kok market district and fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters.
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