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상품 게시판 상세
제목 How much tech can you take
작성자 surv2ei3llan (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-05 07:26:37
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
How much tech can you take? Next week aims to stretch your horizons, as well as your credulity, as thousands of new 미우미우=미우미우여성의류
products are launched and demoed at the giant CES expo. Artificial intelligence, 5G, foldables, surveillance tech, 8K and robotics are set to be among this year's buzzwords. But also expect Trump to feature. The 남자레플리카신발=남자레플리카신발
President's clashes with China have led some of the communist country's biggest tech firms to cancel or reduce their involvement in the Las Vegas event. But the prospect of an imminent trade deal points towards tensions 이미테이션쇼핑몰=이미테이션쇼핑몰
easing and greater access to Chinese consumers. Ivanka Trump - the 레플리카명품=레플리카명품
US leader's daughter - is also attending to give a "keynote" interview to CES chief Gary Shapiro. He once called on Americans 하남일수=하남일수착한곳
to oppose her father because of "his racism and inanity". Now Mr Shapiro faces 알릭스=알릭스여성의류
criticism himself for inviting Ivanka to discuss "the future of work". Critics claim she is benefiting from nepotism while better-qualified female tech champions are overlooked. But some of Silicon Valley's most powerful women are taking part.
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