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제목 The 62-year-old was widely
작성자 Bas111har (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-05 07:23:50
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  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
The 62-year-old was widely seen as the second most powerful figure in Iran, behind Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The 홍콩레플리카미러급=레플리카미러급 레플리카레플리카 레플리카신발
Quds Force, an elite unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), reported directly to the ayatollah, and Soleimani was hailed as a heroic national 명품후드티=명품후드티
figure. He was widely considered an architect of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's war against rebels in Syria, the rise of pro-Iranian paramilitaries in Iraq, the 매트리스렌탈=매트리스렌탈이벤트
fight against the Islamic State group, and many battles beyond. Charismatic and often elusive, the silver-haired commander was revered by some, loathed by others, and a source of myths and social media 사무기기렌탈=사무기기렌탈아주좋음
memes. He had emerged in recent years from a lifetime in the shadows directing covert operations to achieve fame and popularity in Iran, becoming the subject of documentaries, news reports and even pop songs. Under his 21-year leadership of the 남자레플리카신발=남자레플리카신발
Quds Force, Iran bolstered Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian militant groups in Lebanon; expanded its military presence in Iraq and Syria; and orchestrated Syria's offensive against rebel groups in that country's long civil war.
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