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상품 게시판 상세
제목 What has happened
작성자 deterr333ing (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-03 22:05:16
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
What has happened? "At the direction of the President, the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad by killing 몽블랑=몽블랑여성의류
Qasem Soleimani," a Pentagon statement said. "This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world." The strike comes days after protesters surrounded the US embassy in Baghdad, clashing with US forces at the scene. The Pentagon said 명품패딩레플리카=명품패딩레플리카
Gen Soleimani approved the attacks on the embassy. "General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more," the statement said. Iran's Revolutionary Guards said Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis had also been killed in the US attack, blaming an attack by US helicopters. Reports also suggest that a number of Iraq 명품후드티=명품후드티
militia heads have been detained by US forces in Baghdad, although this is unconfirmed.
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