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제목 The Australian navy has begun
작성자 Mallaco33ota (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-03 21:13:36
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
The Australian navy has begun evacuating people trapped in the fire-ravaged town of Mallacoota on the Victoria coast. Two ships, HMAS Choules and 남자레플리카신발=남자레플리카신발
MV Sycamore, will pick up about 1,000 people, MP Darren Chester said. Mr Chester called it an "unprecedented mass relocation". Conditions were "smoky but fine", he added. Some 4,000 residents and tourists fled to the beach on Monday night, when racing bushfires encircled the town. The military evacuated around 60 people by air last night. By Thursday night, 963 had signed Siwy=Siwy여성의류
up for Friday's naval evacuations, with a few more doing so this morning, Commander Scott Houlihan said. The evacuees will sail to Port Welshpool, local media reported - a 16-hour voyage down the Victoria coast. The larger ship, HMAS Choules, has a "few hundred beds". Further trips are possible, depending on demand. Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews 랑방=랑방여성의류
declared a state of disaster for six areas and resorts, including Mallacoota. "Some people will want to go, some people will be happy to stay," he said of the evacuation.
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