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제목 Archer, 24, claimed his third
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  • 작성일 2020-01-03 19:56:07
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Archer, 24, claimed his third five-wicket haul in only his seventh Test with 5-102 from 17 overs in the second innings of the 107-run 레플리카신발=레플리카신발
defeat in the opening match of the series at Centurion. Root said: "We don't really want to go into a game with him not being 100% and we also don't want to see him potentially miss a lot more cricket through playing him when he's not fit." England may decide on a spinner and, with Leach out, their choices are Somerset off-spinner Dom Bess or Lancashire leg-spinner Matt 레플리카미러급=레플리카미러급 레플리카레플리카 레플리카레플리카
Parkinson. Bess, 22, played two home Tests against Pakistan in 2018, taking three wickets with a best of 3-33 at Headingley, while Parkinson is yet to make his Test debut. The 23-year-old played two T20 matches 남자레플=남자레플
in New Zealand in November, taking five wickets. "All options are on the table at this point," Root said of his XI for Cape Town. "It's a great opportunity for them both to train well and put a case forward and then we'll make a decision."
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