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제목 Austria's conservatives have agreed
작성자 Sebasti321a (ip:)
  • 작성일 2020-01-03 06:59:29
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 0
  • 평점 0점
Austria's conservatives have agreed to form an unprecedented coalition government with the Greens after months 제일아쿠아정수기렌탈=제일아쿠아 라이브 RO 냉온정수기렌탈 데스크탑/스탠드형 레드/화이트대단함
of negotiations. Sebastian Kurz's People's Party had been in coalition with the far-right Freedom Party until a scandal toppled the government 여자레플리카신발=여자레플리카신발
in May. The People's Party came top in a snap September election, but have only now agreed a deal with the Greens. It is the first time the 레플리카신발=레플리카신발
left-wing party will serve in government. "We succeeded in uniting the best of both worlds," Mr Kurz said on Wednesday. "It is possible to protect the climate and borders." Greens leader Werner Kogler said Austria 명품후드티=명품후드티
should now become a European leader on climate change issues, telling reporters that both parties "have possibly agreed on more than we could have imagined beforehand". Full details of the coalition will be announced on Thursday. But the leaders suggested they would aim to lower taxes in general - a People's Party pledge - while bringing in higher environmental taxes, in line with 홍콩레플리카=홍콩레플리카
Green policies. Mr Kurz is expected to return as Austria's chancellor, while Werner Kogler is expected to serve as vice-chancellor.
비밀번호 * 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
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